Tex. Congressman To Speak At First College Convocation

New Dealer To Talk At Opening Assembly 


Maverick Advocate of Labor, Peace Legislation In Congress

The Honorable Maury Maverick, Congressman from the state of Texas, will speak on "The Responsibility of Democracy", at the first assembly program of this year's series, Thursday night at 8 o'clock in the Storrs Church. Representative Maverick is known as "the Ablest lecturer in Congress". His term there lapses next year, since he was defeated in the Democratic primaries this year. He has been in the 74th and 75th Congress, from 1935-1939.

Maverick has been an active worker in the House fight for the Tennessee Valley Authority, the National Labor Relations Board, labor legislation and also laws favoring conservation of power and natural resources. He has also been a proponent of housing and slum clearance projects, as well as being active in the fight for mandatory neutrality legislation and peace work in general.

During his political career he organized the Citizens League in San Antonio, and was a member of the National Progressive Committee supporting President Roosevelt in 1936. He is the author of a book, "A Maverick American", and has been a frequent contributor to the New Republic, the Nation, and Common Sense.

Among the organizations he belongs to are the San Antonio Zoological Society, Public Ownership League of America, National Popular Government League, Lawyers Guild, American Legion, American Civil Liberties Union, Sons of the American Revolution, and Veterans of Foreign Wars.

The Connecticut Campus, November 15, 1938

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